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Cold Weather Joint Pain In Knees: What To Do?

Have you experienced joint pain in cold weather, such as in your knees or shoulders?  Most people suffer from joint pain due to conditions like arthritis, neck pain, or knee pain due to certain injuries, but joint pain due to cold weather does exist. This joint pain is usually low-impact with slight achiness. We mostly...
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Our Low-intensity Laser Therapy Reviews

Low-intensity Laser Therapy Reviews At BioFlex Pakistan  Bioflex is a unique laser technology that has been utilized by 2000 clinics worldwide and has been treating 2 million people all over the globe with 90-99% efficacy. This Canadian technology is now available in Pakistan where it has been treating several patients daily.  Low-intensity laser therapy is...
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Best Workouts You Can Do in Your Lunch Break

Lengthy commuting work, demanding jobs and busy social works makes you reserved throughout the day, resulting in a lack of energy and no workouts 24/7. Being a busy bee makes it hard for you to perform workouts after work hours. So here we have listed down the 5 best workouts which you can do in...
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Difference Between Tendon And Ligament Injuries & Treatments Options

The ligaments and tendons are the types of fibrous connective tissues that play a role in the movement and stabilization of the skeleton.  Both of these fibrous connective tissues sustain injuries throughout life, but as you age older and get weak, these tissues are more prone to injuries. Tendon vs. Ligaments – What are they?...
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Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia Solutions

Fibromyalgia is a condition where the muscles and bones are affected. It is the second most common condition which is usually misdiagnosed due to the similar symptoms seen in other musculoskeletal conditions. We’ll have a run-down of the signs, symptoms, causes and diagnosis of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia solutions. The classical symptoms seen in fibromyalgia...
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Lower Back Pain Not Going Away?

Lower Back Pain Not Going Away? Your lower back pain not going away? If so, it is essential that you follow these simple dos and don’ts to get lower back pain relief. 80-90% of the population in Pakistan suffer from back pain due to their everyday work routine, the stressful situations where they overload themselves...
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How Do You Get Rid Of A Migraine Fast?

Migraine is considered a leading cause of medical illness which affects the population worldwide. It results in headaches which are the common symptoms seen with migraines. Around 10-15% of the population experience migraine headaches which is considered as the second most common type of headache after tension headaches.  Headaches usually occur over one side during...
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