Carpal tunnel syndrome is identified with a clinical diagnosis and physical examination. Carpal tunnel syndrome tests include ultrasound, X-rays, MRI, electrophysiological tests, and others.
Treatment Options
The standard treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome is an open carpal tunnel release. There are various treatment options for relieving carpal tunnel syndrome, one of which includes surgical therapy which poses risk factors to the patient. It is time-consuming, expensive, and ineffective.
The rehabilitation program is also a part of therapy for patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome which includes patient’s education regarding postures.
Other conservative treatment options include local corticosteroid injections, ultrasound therapy, splints, and lasers.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment with Laser Therapy
Lasers are one of the latest treatment modalities which are also effective as a carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. It is a non-surgical procedure that poses no side effects on an individual. This easy, painless procedure is beneficial for treating carpal tunnel syndrome which repairs the inflamed tissues.
BioFlex Pakistan is offering the best carpal tunnel syndrome treatment and many other diseases. Our technology works in such a way that it knocks out protons from body cells and enhances the body’s immune system with the help of a very sophisticated cold laser therapy.
Our technology is practiced in more than 52 countries of the world and over 2 million patients are successfully treated by this amazing technology. Clinicians from all over the world prescribe it for treating various neuromuscular illnesses.
To begin the BioFlex Laser therapy process for carpal tunnel syndrome treatment, book a consultation with our orthopedic doctors at one of our centres. Simply input your information below and we will call you back within the next day to book your consultation so you can start reaping the benefits that BioFlex Pakistan has to offer!